Here you can find the most important links to renowned organisations and institutes in the field of respiratory care.
Heat has been used as an effective therapy since ancient times. It calms, relaxes and is a basic human requirement to maintain vital functions.
A person’s body temperature says a lot about their health. For example, a fever is the most common form of increased body temperature.
Breathe easy, inhale effectively! Asthma is a chronic lung disease that can develop at any age.
Flexible heat pads allow you to enjoy heat therapy at home. It is the easiest way to efficient pain relief.
From where on the body to the correct choice of thermometer - we show you how to measure your body temperature correctly.
Peak flow is the maximum air flow in a strong exhalation. Taking regular peak flow measurements is helpful in monitoring respiratory diseases such as asthma and chronic bronchitis.
Heat (or warmth) is well known for its soothing and relaxing effect and is one of mankind's basic needs to function properly.
Millions of people in many countries put their trust in our products and send us their feedback. We are pleased to publish the following general questions about fever monitoring.
Microlife Connected Health is een handig applicatie voor het eenvoudig beheren van uw bloeddruk.
Asthma is a chronic, inflammatory lung disease characterized by difficulty in breathing. Learn more about symptoms, causes and triggers of asthma.
There are several technologies from which you can choose in order to measure high temperature.
Checklist voor het meten van een betrouwbare en correcte bloeddruk
Millions of people in many countries put their trust in our products and send us their feedback. We are pleased to publish general questions about Peak Flow Monitoring.
A high temperature is a reaction to disease’s specific stimuli. The body responds by increasing its temperature to assist its defenses against specific disease mechanisms.
An increased body temperature is an important warning sign and should not be ignored.
Healthcare authorities require a specific validation test for automated blood pressure monitors that are used in pregnant women and those who have pre-eclampsia.
Millions of people in many countries put their trust in our products and send us their feedback. We are pleased to publish general questions about Microlife Infrared Thermometers.
Millions of people in many countries put their trust in our products and send us their feedback. We are pleased to publish general questions about Microlife Ear Thermometers.
Frequently asked questions about blood pressure - one of the principal vital signs.
Of het nu accuut of preventief is, de bloeddruk kan worden beïnvloed door eenvoudige maatregelen:
Millions of people in many countries put their trust in our products and send us their feedback. We are pleased to publish general questions about Microlife Non Contact Thermometer.
Er zijn verschillende technologieën waaruit je kunt kiezen om hoge temperaturen te meten. Hier zijn enkele voorbeelden:
International institutes and societies in the field of blood pressure.
Frequently asked questions about Microlife blood pressure monitors.